Latest Past Events

Scaling 30×30 Marine Planning through Subregional Cooperation

Preserving the ecological integrity and connectivity of key marine ecosystems is essential to ensuring the long-term benefits the ocean provides to communities and countries. At the same time, conservation efforts need to be equitably governed and integrated into wider seascapes while ensuring the sustainable use of resources is fully consistent with expected conservation outcomes and recognizing the rights of indigenous peoples and local communities. To this end, it is crucial to effectively conserve areas of particular importance for biodiversity, ecosystem functions, and services through networks of marine protected areas (MPAs) and other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs).

Actioning the Blue: A Caribbean 30×30 Vision for the Ocean

A SIDS COP 16 Declaration of Action featuring a series of strong political messages to the international community from key Caribbean political leaders and champions that will boldly highlight the urgency of actioning political will to unlock new and innovative opportunities and financing to achieve progress toward GBF targets within the Caribbean region considering our vulnerabilities to the triple planetary crisis that includes biodiversity loss.

High Seas Coral Reefs: Important Ecosystems in need of protection

This event will feature expert speakers on three critical marine sites that highlight the importance of high seas coral reefs, and the work being done to secure protections through partnerships activated by the Coral Reefs of the High Seas Coalition. This will be a space to showcase the scientific and political work progressing for the Salas y Gomez and Nazca ridges, and the science background for the Saya de Malha Bank in the Western Indian Ocean, and the Atlantic Fracture.